Qui doit rédiger les lettres de recommandation pour mon visa O1B ?

April Perez • Feb 01, 2024

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     Si vous envisagez de déposer une demande de visa O1B sur la base de vos capacités extraordinaires, vous devrez peut-être fournir des lettres de recommandation dans le cadre de votre demande. 

     Vous pouvez utiliser ces lettres pour répondre à différents besoins.

     L'une des exigences spécifiques de l'O1B pour laquelle vous aurez certainement besoin de lettres est la suivante : La preuve que le bénéficiaire a reçu une reconnaissance significative pour ses réalisations de la part d'organisations, de critiques, d'agences gouvernementales ou d'autres experts reconnus dans le domaine dans lequel l'étranger est engagé. Ces témoignages doivent être présentés sous une forme qui indique clairement l'autorité, l'expertise et la connaissance de l'auteur en ce qui concerne les réalisations de l'étranger. Les lettres doivent émaner de personnes qui travaillent dans le même domaine et qui expliquent leur propre parcours et leurs réalisations dans ce domaine. Ces personnes doivent également connaître le travail du demandeur et être en mesure d'attester de ses réalisations dans le domaine spécifié. Les lettres émanant de personnes n'ayant pas d'expérience dans le même domaine que le candidat ne seront pas nécessairement utiles pour démontrer que le candidat possède des capacités extraordinaires dans un domaine spécifique.

     Une autre exigence qui peut également utiliser des lettres comme preuve est l'exigence suivante : Le bénéficiaire a joué et jouera un rôle de premier plan, de vedette ou un rôle essentiel pour des organisations et des établissements qui jouissent d'une réputation distinguée, attestée par des articles dans des journaux, des revues spécialisées, des publications ou des témoignages. Les auteurs des lettres pour cette exigence doivent être des personnes occupant une position élevée au sein de l'organisation ou de l'établissement pour lequel le candidat a travaillé et ils doivent être en mesure d'attester de leur propre parcours et de leur titre, ainsi que du travail du candidat et de l'impact qu'il a eu sur l'ensemble de l'organisation ou de l'établissement. Outre les lettres, vous devez également fournir des éléments prouvant que l'organisation s'est distinguée. Il peut s'agir d'articles sur l'organisation et le travail du candidat pour l'organisation, ou d'articles traitant de la distinction de l'organisation.

     Ce ne sont là que quelques-unes des conditions d'obtention du visa O1B pour lesquelles des lettres de référence peuvent être utilisées. Il ne suffit pas de remplir ces deux conditions pour obtenir le visa. 

Si vous pensez pouvoir bénéficier de l'une de ces options, vous devriez contacter notre bureau.

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By Kris Quadros-Ragar 30 May, 2024
Missing out on the H1B lottery can feel like a significant setback, especially for those eagerly looking forward to working in the United States. However, not all hope is lost. There are multiple pathways and options to consider if you find yourself not selected in the initial H1B lottery. 1. Second Chance in the Current Year's Lottery One silver lining for those not initially selected is the possibility of a "second chance" lottery. Registrations not selected in the March lottery remain in the pool for a potential second drawing if initial selections do not complete their application process by the June 30 deadline. This means that your registration could still be picked later in the year. While the probability of selection in this second chance is low due to the high volume of registrants, it's a possibility worth holding onto. 2. Prepare for Next Year's Lottery While waiting for a possible second drawing, it's wise to prepare to file an H1B registration for the next year's lottery. For employers, maintaining an employee's work authorization in the U.S. is critical and requires careful planning, especially if the employee is currently in the U.S. under a different visa status. 3. Additional Study Programs For those on an F-1 visa nearing the end of their OPT or STEM OPT, considering further education could be a beneficial route. Enrolling in another academic program may allow you to qualify for Curricular Practical Training (CPT), which provides work authorization related to your field of study. 4. Employment with H-1B Cap-Exempt Employers Seeking employment with cap-exempt organizations is another viable strategy. These include institutions of higher education, nonprofit entities affiliated with educational institutions, and governmental research organizations. Working for a cap-exempt employer allows you to bypass the lottery system altogether. 5. Alternative Visa Options Several other visa categories might fit your situation if the H1B visa route is currently unavailable: E-1 and E-2 Visas: For nationals from countries with a trade treaty with the U.S., engaging in substantial trade or investment activities. E-3 Visa: Specifically for Australian citizens, this visa shares similarities with the H1B but isn't subject to the cap. H-1B1 Visa: Available to nationals from Singapore and Chile with similar benefits as the H1B visa but without the cap restrictions. O-1 or P-1 Visas: For individuals demonstrating extraordinary abilities in their field or those who are internationally recognized. TN Visa: For Canadian and Mexican nationals in certain professions, allowing easier access to work in the U.S. without a cap limit. L-1 Visa: Allows intra-company transfers for multinational companies. 6. Pursuing Permanent Residency If you're considering a long-term future in the U.S., starting the green card process could be a strategic move. While this is a more lengthy and complex process, it is worth discussing the possibilities – whether employment-based or not - with an immigration attorney to explore your eligibility and timelines. Each of these pathways requires careful planning and understanding of the specific eligibility requirements and timelines. The Santos Lloyd Law Firm team can provide personalized guidance based on your particular circumstances and help you navigate through these alternatives effectively.
By Kyle Huffman 09 May, 2024
The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa Program has long stood as a beacon of opportunity for those seeking to establish roots in the United States. However, in recent years, its allure dimmed due to concerns surrounding integrity, program abuse, and uncertainties regarding its future. Yet, with the passage of the EB-5 Reform & Integrity Act of 2022 , the EB-5 program finds itself on the brink of a renaissance, once again capturing the attention of investors worldwide. For those unfamiliar, t he EB-5 program offers foreign investors and their families a pathway to permanent residency in the United States by investing a minimum amount in a qualifying U.S. business venture . This investment must create or preserve a certain number of jobs for American workers. Historically, the program has been popular among affluent individuals seeking not only residency but also the opportunity to contribute to the U.S. economy. However, in recent years, the program faced criticism and scrutiny due to allegations of fraud, abuse, and inefficiencies. Investors became wary, and the program's popularity waned. Prospective applicants were hesitant to commit significant funds to a program plagued by uncertainties and bureaucratic hurdles. Enter the 2022 EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act . This landmark legislation addresses many of the concerns that have plagued the program in recent years. Among its key provisions are increased investment thresholds, stricter oversight measures, and reforms aimed at promoting integrity and transparency within the program. One of the most significant changes introduced by the reform act is empowering the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to more effectively monitor and investigate potential instances of fraud or abuse. Additionally, the act introduces measures to streamline the application process, reducing bureaucratic red tape and expediting the adjudication of EB-5 petitions, resulting in faster processing for legitimate investments. The passage of the 2022 EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act has injected new life into the EB-5 program, reigniting interest among investors and immigration stakeholders alike. With its enhanced integrity measures and streamlined processes, the program once again represents a compelling opportunity for those seeking to pursue the American dream. Already, we are witnessing a resurgence of interest in the EB-5 program from investors worldwide. Developers and regional centers are seizing the opportunity to capitalize on the renewed enthusiasm, presenting a diverse array of investment opportunities across various industries and regions. Moreover, the EB-5 program's revitalization holds significant implications for the U.S. economy. By attracting foreign investment, the program has the potential to create jobs, spur economic growth, and facilitate the development of communities in need. Furthermore, it underscores the United States' commitment to welcoming and harnessing the talents and resources of immigrant investors. The passage of the 2022 EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act marks a pivotal moment in the history of the EB-5 program. By addressing longstanding concerns and implementing comprehensive reforms, the act has restored confidence in the program and positioned it for a prosperous future. As investors and developers alike embrace the opportunities presented by the revitalized EB-5 program, we anticipate a resurgence in interest and activity, reaffirming the program's status as a cornerstone of American immigration policy and economic development. I encourage any prospective investors to meet with one of our skilled attorneys to discuss the possibility of securing permanent residency, and eventually citizenship, through a qualifying investment under the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa Program. We look forward to working with you!
By Denice Flores 02 May, 2024
The U.S. Constitution protects all immigrants, including undocumented immigrants while participating in protests in the U.S. Here is a list of some of the rights covered in the U.S. constitution to consider when you are participating in protests: Right to free speech. The First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting your right to free speech. People have the right to participate in protests, marches, and demonstrations. Right to be free from retaliation. The First Amendment prohibits the government from retaliating against you for exercising your rights such as your right to free speech. Right to remain silent. The Fifth Amendment protects you from self-incrimination and provides the right to remain silent. Right against unreasonable search and seizure. The Fourth Amendment protects you against unreasonable searches and seizures. Right to speak to a lawyer. If you are arrested or detained, you have the right to speak to a lawyer. Keep in mind, if you are undocumented and you are participating in protests, you are at higher risk of being detained by immigration officials if they are present at the protest. If you are undocumented make sure you have a plan in place if you are arrested or detained by law enforcement or immigration officials. It is important to take precautions and if you are arrested or detained you should contact an attorney immediately. If you have questions, please schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys and we will be more than happy to assist you.
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