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1. Evidence that the beneficiary has performed and will perform services as a lead or starring participant in productions or events which have a distinguished reputation as evidenced by critical reviews, advertisements, publicity releases, publications contracts, endorsements.
2. Evidence that the beneficiary has achieved national or international recognition for achievements evidenced by critical reviews, or other published materials by or about the individual in major newspapers, trade journals, magazine, other publications.
3. Evidence that the beneficiary has performed and will perform in a lead, starring or critical role for organizations and establishments that have a distinguished reputation evidenced by articles in newspapers, trade journals, publication or testimonials.
4. Evidence that the beneficiary has a record of major commercial or critically acclaimed successes as evidenced by such indicators as title, rating, standing, box office receipts, motion picture or television ratings, and other occupational achievements reported in trade journals, major newspapers, or other publications.
5. Evidence that the beneficiary has received significant recognition for achievements from organizations, critics, government agencies, or other recognized experts in the filed in which the alien is engaged. Such testimonials must be in a form which clearly indicates the author’s authority, expertise, and knowledge of the alien’s achievements.
6. Evidence that the beneficiary has commanded high salary or will command high salary or other substantial renumeration for services in relation to others in the field, as evidenced by contracts or other reliable evidence.
The process can be overwhelming especially for someone who has never done this before, and there is a lot of paper work and information that needs to be gathered. It is important to have guidance from an attorney to assure a positive outcome of your case.
This blog is not intended to be legal advice and nothing here should be construed as establishing an attorney client relationship. Please schedule a consultation with an immigration attorney before acting on any information read here.
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