Изменение статуса на основании брака с гражданами США для несовершеннолетних детей или родителей граждан США.

Корректировка статуса — это процесс, который вы можете использовать для подачи заявления на получение статуса законного постоянного жителя (также известного как заявление на получение грин-карты), когда вы находитесь в Соединенных Штатах. Это означает, что вы можете получить Грин-карту без необходимости возвращаться в свою страну для завершения оформления визы.
Наши иммиграционные адвокаты имеют большой опыт работы в иммиграционном законодательстве и могут гарантировать вам компетентное и эффективное юридическое представительство в процессе получения вами законного постоянного места жительства. Запишитесь на прием онлайн (лично или по телефону), чтобы узнать больше о том, как вы можете постоянно жить и работать в Соединенных Штатах и в конечном итоге стать гражданином США.


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Автор: Denice Flores 4 апреля 2024 г.
Advance parole is a travel document that permits you to travel outside the United States for temporary travel and return to the United States . Applicants for advance parole need to file Form I-131, Application for Travel Document with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and pay the filing fee. When the application is approved, USCIS issues the applicant a Form I-512L, the advance parole document. The document must be presented to immigration officials to seek admission into the United States after traveling abroad. There are several ways a person can qualify for and obtain advance parole. Applicants for adjustment of status, DACA recipients, and individuals who need to travel for urgent humanitarian reasons are three common types of applicants that can apply for advance parole , however there are more. Applicants for adjustment of status can apply for advance parole when they file their green card application or when the green card application is pending. Adjustment of status applicants must obtain advance parole before traveling outside the United States to avoid an issue with the green card application. Obtaining advance parole through an adjustment of status application does not require an emergency or humanitarian purpose for travel. Note, when you file for advance parole through an adjustment of status application the filing fee for Form I-131 is not required. DACA recipients may also apply for advance parole to travel abroad for humanitarian reasons or for employment or educational purposes only. Humanitarian reasons include medical attention or treatment, visiting a sick relative or for a relative’s funeral services. Educational purposes include studying abroad, academic research and more. Employment purposes include work, training, meetings, interviews, and other specific work assignments. Certain individuals may also apply for advance parole due to an urgent humanitarian reason or to further a significant public benefit. To show that the travel is due to humanitarian, education, or employment reasons, the applicant must provide proof of such to USCIS. As mentioned, these are the three most common ways to obtain advance parole, but they are not the only ways. If you have questions about other ways to obtain advance parole, if you think you qualify for advance parole or have questions about your eligibility, please schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys and we will be more than happy to assist you.
Автор: Denice Flores 2 марта 2023 г.
Your conditional resident status is only valid for 2 years. In order to prevent losing lawful status in the United States, you must submit Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, 90 days before your conditional green card expires. It is critical that you file Form I-751 to remove the conditions in a timely manner because if it is not, you may risk being left without status and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security may issue you a Notice to Appear and place you in removal proceedings before an Immigration Judge.
Автор: Angelica Rice 20 октября 2022 г.
You waited months, maybe even years, and you finally have your Green Card and are a Lawful Permanent Resident of the United States, yay!
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