Visa B1/B2 – Visa de Turista

Santos Lloyd Law Team • May 25, 2023

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     Probablemente ya haya escuchado, visto o tenido una visa B1/B2. ¿Pero sabe lo que significa B1 y B2? Para empezar, B1 es para visitantes temporales por negocios y B2 es para visitantes temporales por placer. Ok, entonces B1 es para fines comerciales y B2 es para disfrutar de los Estados Unidos.

     Pero, ¿qué significa aquí fines comerciales? La pregunta principal que podría surgir en su mente es: "¿Me pueden pagar por hacer algo que agrega valor a un negocio?" La respuesta es mi favorita, prepárese.

     ¡Eso depende! Lo que se quiere preguntar aquí es de dónde viene el dinero. Si el pago proviene de una fuente de EE. UU., probablemente signifique que está trabajando sin autorización, violando el estado B1/B2. Este tipo de visa no le permite ingresar al mercado laboral estadounidense.

     Sin embargo, una visa B1/B2 le permite realizar servicios en los Estados Unidos para su empleador extranjero. Por ejemplo, puede venir con un B1/B2 para realizar servicios de reparación en una máquina que su empleador extranjero vendió a una empresa estadounidense. Cuando se hizo el trato, probablemente había una cláusula que autorizaba al comprador a obtener las reparaciones necesarias por parte del vendedor en caso de que algo no funcionara como debería. Bueno, lo más probable es que alguien necesite venir a los Estados Unidos y ensuciarse las manos. En este caso, puede venir a realizar el servicio y, si lo desea, quedarse a pasar el rato y hacer compras. Aquí, el titular de B1/B2 es empleado y pagado por una empresa extranjera y viene a los Estados Unidos para promover la relación comercial entre la empresa estadounidense y el empleador, por lo que no hay problema.

     Otras actividades permitidas para esta visa son las transacciones comerciales que no implican que una empresa estadounidense le pague, como asistir a reuniones, tomar pedidos y vender. Vender aquí significa que está vendiendo en nombre de la empresa extranjera, a la que luego se le pagará por el producto o servicio. En última instancia, su empleador extranjero le pagaría fuera de los Estados Unidos.

     ¿Qué pasa con las actividades de voluntariado? No me pagan, así que está bien, ¿verdad? No precisamente. La definición más segura de trabajo voluntario es el trabajo realizado sin la expectativa de recibir ningún beneficio, realizado en nombre de una organización sin fines de lucro. Cualquier otra cosa que no sea eso es arriesgada, ya que es posible que obtenga beneficios no financieros por su trabajo voluntario, y es probable que su "empleador voluntario" se beneficie de su admirable voluntad de trabajar con la expectativa de obtener beneficios.

     Por último, los atletas pueden venir a los Estados Unidos para competir bajo un B1/B2 y pueden recibir un premio en efectivo, pero es posible que no se les "pague por actuar". Y los artistas no pueden usar este tipo de visa para actuar en los Estados Unidos a menos que participen en programas culturales patrocinados por el gobierno del país de origen. Aparte de eso, los artistas necesitan una visa apropiada, como, en muchos casos, una visa O. Más por venir sobre esto.

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By Juliana LaMendola February 20, 2025
On January 20, 2025, President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order imposing new restrictions on migrants, including limitations on asylum and humanitarian protections. The order directs the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to terminate all categorical parole programs that conflict with U.S. policies , which includes parole processes for Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan nationals. Additionally, this provision could impact parole programs for individuals from Afghanistan, Ukraine, and other countries. Beyond restricting parole, the executive order introduces several border security measures , including building more physical barriers, increasing the number of border personnel, and stopping the use of the CBP One mobile application . The order specifically directs the Department of Defense (DOD) and DHS to build more border walls to establish what it calls “complete operational control” of the southern border. Additionally, it ordered the immediate shutdown of the CBP One mobile app, which previously allowed asylum seekers to schedule appointments at U.S. Ports of Entry. As a result, all existing appointments have been canceled immediately . The order also initiates the reinstatement of the “Remain in Mexico” program , also known as the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) , across all sectors of the southern border. Under MPP, asylum seekers must remain in Mexico while awaiting the outcome of their U.S. immigration court proceedings, significantly altering the process for those seeking refuge in the country. These measures reinforce the Trump administration's broader effort to restrict asylum and humanitarian protections at the U.S. border . If you or someone you know may be affected by this executive order, it is essential to stay informed and understand your legal rights. Consulting with an immigration attorney can help navigate these evolving policies and ensure the best course of action moving forward.
By Shirin Navabi February 13, 2025
The E-2 Visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows foreign investors from treaty countries to live and work in the United States by starting or purchasing a business. Unlike other visa categories, it does not require a fixed minimum investment amount. Instead, applicants must demonstrate that their investment is substantial and sufficient to ensure the success of their business. The visa is renewable indefinitely as long as the business remains active and meets the necessary criteria, making it an attractive option for entrepreneurs seeking long-term opportunities in the U.S. One of its key advantages is flexibility. Investors can establish a new business, acquire an existing one, or enter into franchise opportunities. Additionally, spouses and children under 21 can accompany the primary applicant, with spouses eligible to apply for work authorization. This makes the E-2 Visa a practical option for business-minded individuals looking to establish themselves in the U.S. market. While the E-2 Visa itself has remained a stable option, shifts in U.S. immigration policies have influenced the application process and overall investor experience. Understanding these changes is essential for anyone considering this pathway. Policy Shifts and the E-2 Visa: Lessons from the Past During the first Trump administration (2017–2021), U.S. immigration policies became more restrictive across multiple visa categories. Although the E-2 program was not directly limited, broader changes had an impact. The "Buy American, Hire American" Executive Order, signed in 2017, led to heightened scrutiny of visa applications, requiring investors to provide stronger evidence that their business would create jobs and contribute to the U.S. economy. This resulted in an increase in Requests for Evidence (RFEs) and denials for those unable to meet these expectations. Another significant change was the suspension of the Interview Waiver Program, which meant all E-2 applicants, including renewals, had to attend in-person interviews at U.S. embassies. This extended processing times and increased scrutiny of applications. Additionally, visa reciprocity agreements were reviewed and adjusted, impacting validity periods and costs for certain countries. For instance, Iranian citizens were deemed ineligible for the E-2 Visa due to the termination of the treaty. These adjustments significantly affected investors from impacted nations, increasing their costs and renewal frequency. Despite these policy shifts, the approval rate for E-2 visas remained relatively stable. According to data from the U.S. Department of State, there were over 43,000 approvals in 2019, reflecting the program’s continued viability. Even in 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic caused global disruptions, approval numbers remained significant. These figures highlight that while the process became more rigorous, well-prepared investors continued to secure visas by demonstrating strong business plans, substantial investments, and clear economic contributions. What to Expect Moving Forward As the new Trump administration takes shape, further immigration policy changes are likely. While it is too soon to predict the exact impact on the E-2 Visa, past trends suggest increased scrutiny. However, the program itself has remained intact across multiple administrations, reinforcing its reliability for foreign entrepreneurs. Those considering this visa should stay informed and ensure their applications meet evolving requirements. A well-prepared investment strategy, clear documentation, and a defined job creation plan can make a significant difference in navigating any potential policy shifts. Why the E-2 Visa Remains a Strong Choice The E-2 Visa continues to be a resilient and valuable option for foreign entrepreneurs. Even during periods of policy change, approval rates have remained strong for investors with well-structured applications. The ability to renew indefinitely, combined with its flexibility in investment size and business type, makes it one of the most attractive pathways for international investors. With the right preparation, investors can confidently pursue the E-2 Visa, knowing that history has shown its stability even amid shifting political landscapes. By staying ahead of policy changes and ensuring a solid business strategy, entrepreneurs can take advantage of the opportunities the U.S. market has to offer. If you are ready to take the next step toward launching your business in the U.S., you can contact our office for expert guidance and personalized assistance with your application.
By Kris Quadros-Ragar February 6, 2025
On January 29, 2025, President Trump signed the Laken Riley Act into law, significantly altering how immigration policies are enforced in the United States. This legislation grants State attorneys general and other authorized officials unprecedented authority to interpret and implement federal immigration policies. It also empowers them to take legal action against the federal government if they believe federal immigration enforcement negatively impacts their state. With this new authority, states now play a direct role in shaping immigration outcomes—a responsibility traditionally held by the federal government. One of the most immediate effects of the Laken Riley Act is that it allows states to seek injunctive relief to block the issuance of visas to nationals of countries that refuse or unreasonably delay the acceptance of their citizens who have been ordered removed from the United States . This means that if a country does not cooperate with U.S. deportation efforts, its nationals—regardless of their legal status—could face significant difficulties obtaining or renewing visas. As a result, foreign nationals from these countries may encounter increased uncertainty when traveling internationally or securing work authorization in the U.S. Beyond visa processing, the law introduces a new level of unpredictability into the immigration system. By allowing state attorneys general to intervene in federal procedures, and immigration policies that may now vary based on state-level decisions. In the coming months, it remains to be seen how individual states will wield this power—whether they will actively seek to block visa issuance or push for broader immigration enforcement measures. For foreign nationals and employers, staying informed about which countries are deemed “uncooperative” is now more important than ever. Those needing visa renewals or planning international travel should prepare for potential delays and seek professional guidance to navigate these uncertainties. The Laken Riley Act also mandates federal immigration authorities to detain and deport individuals without legal status who are charged with certain offenses, including minor theft or shoplifting, assaulting a law enforcement officer, and crimes resulting in death or serious bodily injury. This provision underscores a stricter approach to immigration enforcement, affecting individuals accused of both minor and serious offenses. With immigration policies now subject to a new layer of state involvement, it is more important than ever to stay informed and prepared for potential challenges. If you have concerns about how the Laken Riley Act may affect your immigration status or business, contact Santos Lloyd Law Firm for strategic counsel tailored to your needs.
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