Le visa E-2 : Une solide opportunité d'investissement dans une période politique en mutation

Shirin Navabi • February 13, 2025

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Le visa E-2 est un visa de non-immigrant qui permet aux investisseurs étrangers des pays signataires d'un traité de vivre et de travailler aux États-Unis en créant ou en achetant une entreprise. Contrairement à d'autres catégories de visas, il n'exige pas de montant minimum fixe pour l'investissement. Au contraire, les demandeurs doivent démontrer que leur investissement est substantiel et suffisant pour assurer le succès de leur entreprise. Le visa est renouvelable indéfiniment tant que l'entreprise reste active et remplit les critères nécessaires, ce qui en fait une option attrayante pour les entrepreneurs à la recherche d'opportunités à long terme aux États-Unis.

L'un de ses principaux avantages est la flexibilité. Les investisseurs peuvent créer une nouvelle entreprise, acquérir une entreprise existante ou se lancer dans des franchises. En outre, les conjoints et les enfants de moins de 21 ans peuvent accompagner le demandeur principal, et les conjoints peuvent demander une autorisation de travail. Le visa E-2 est donc une option pratique pour les personnes ayant l'esprit d'entreprise et souhaitant s'établir sur le marché américain.

Bien que le visa E-2 soit resté une option stable, les changements dans les politiques d'immigration des États-Unis ont influencé la procédure de demande et l'expérience globale de l'investisseur. Il est essentiel de comprendre ces changements pour toute personne qui envisage de suivre cette voie.

Changements de politique et visa E-2 : Les leçons du passé

Au cours de la première administration Trump (2017-2021), les politiques d'immigration des États-Unis sont devenues plus restrictives dans de multiples catégories de visas. Bien que le programme E-2 n'ait pas été directement limité, des changements plus larges ont eu un impact. Le décret « Buy American, Hire American », signé en 2017, a conduit à un examen plus approfondi des demandes de visa, exigeant des investisseurs qu'ils fournissent des preuves plus solides que leur entreprise créerait des emplois et contribuerait à l'économie américaine. Cela a entraîné une augmentation des demandes de preuves (RFE) et des refus pour ceux qui n'étaient pas en mesure de répondre à ces attentes.

Un autre changement important a été la suspension du programme de dispense d'entretien, qui signifiait que tous les demandeurs E-2, y compris les renouvellements, devaient passer des entretiens en personne dans les ambassades américaines. Cette mesure a allongé les délais de traitement et renforcé l'examen des demandes. En outre, les accords de réciprocité en matière de visas ont été revus et adaptés, ce qui a eu un impact sur les périodes de validité et les coûts pour certains pays. Par exemple, les citoyens iraniens ont été jugés inéligibles pour le visa E-2 en raison de la résiliation du traité. Ces ajustements ont considérablement affecté les investisseurs des pays concernés, en augmentant leurs coûts et la fréquence des renouvellements.

Malgré ces changements de politique, le taux d'approbation des visas E-2 est resté relativement stable. Selon les données du Département d'État américain, plus de 43 000 demandes ont été approuvées en 2019, ce qui témoigne de la viabilité continue du programme. Même en 2020, lorsque la pandémie de COVID-19 a provoqué des perturbations à l'échelle mondiale, le nombre d'approbations est resté important. Ces chiffres soulignent que si le processus est devenu plus rigoureux, les investisseurs bien préparés ont continué à obtenir des visas en démontrant des plans d'affaires solides, des investissements substantiels et des contributions économiques claires.

Ce à quoi il faut s'attendre à l'avenir

Alors que la nouvelle administration Trump prend forme, d'autres changements de politique d'immigration sont probables. Bien qu'il soit trop tôt pour prédire l'impact exact sur le visa E-2, les tendances passées suggèrent un examen plus approfondi. Cependant, le programme lui-même est resté intact à travers de multiples administrations, ce qui renforce sa fiabilité pour les entrepreneurs étrangers.

Les personnes qui envisagent d'obtenir ce visa doivent se tenir informées et veiller à ce que leur demande réponde à l'évolution des exigences. Une stratégie d'investissement bien préparée, une documentation claire et un plan de création d'emplois bien défini peuvent faire une grande différence dans la gestion d'éventuels changements de politique.

Pourquoi le visa E-2 reste un choix judicieux

Le visa E-2 reste une option solide et précieuse pour les entrepreneurs étrangers. Même pendant les périodes de changement de politique, les taux d'approbation sont restés élevés pour les investisseurs dont les demandes étaient bien structurées. La possibilité de renouveler indéfiniment le visa, combinée à sa flexibilité quant au montant de l'investissement et au type d'entreprise, en fait l'une des voies d'accès les plus attrayantes pour les investisseurs internationaux.

En se préparant correctement, les investisseurs peuvent obtenir le visa E-2 en toute confiance, sachant que l'histoire a démontré sa stabilité, même dans des paysages politiques changeants. En restant à l'affût des changements politiques et en s'appuyant sur une stratégie commerciale solide, les entrepreneurs peuvent tirer parti des possibilités offertes par le marché américain.

Si vous êtes prêt à passer à l'étape suivante du lancement de votre entreprise aux États-Unis, vous pouvez contacter notre bureau pour obtenir des conseils d'experts et une aide personnalisée pour votre demande.

Ce blog n'est pas destiné à fournir des conseils juridiques et rien ici ne doit être interprété comme établissant une relation avocat-client. Veuillez prendre rendez-vous avec un avocat spécialisé en droit de l'immigration avant d'agir sur la base de toute information lue ici.

Shirin Navabi

By Shirin Navabi February 13, 2025
The E-2 Visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows foreign investors from treaty countries to live and work in the United States by starting or purchasing a business. Unlike other visa categories, it does not require a fixed minimum investment amount. Instead, applicants must demonstrate that their investment is substantial and sufficient to ensure the success of their business. The visa is renewable indefinitely as long as the business remains active and meets the necessary criteria, making it an attractive option for entrepreneurs seeking long-term opportunities in the U.S. One of its key advantages is flexibility. Investors can establish a new business, acquire an existing one, or enter into franchise opportunities. Additionally, spouses and children under 21 can accompany the primary applicant, with spouses eligible to apply for work authorization. This makes the E-2 Visa a practical option for business-minded individuals looking to establish themselves in the U.S. market. While the E-2 Visa itself has remained a stable option, shifts in U.S. immigration policies have influenced the application process and overall investor experience. Understanding these changes is essential for anyone considering this pathway. Policy Shifts and the E-2 Visa: Lessons from the Past During the first Trump administration (2017–2021), U.S. immigration policies became more restrictive across multiple visa categories. Although the E-2 program was not directly limited, broader changes had an impact. The "Buy American, Hire American" Executive Order, signed in 2017, led to heightened scrutiny of visa applications, requiring investors to provide stronger evidence that their business would create jobs and contribute to the U.S. economy. This resulted in an increase in Requests for Evidence (RFEs) and denials for those unable to meet these expectations. Another significant change was the suspension of the Interview Waiver Program, which meant all E-2 applicants, including renewals, had to attend in-person interviews at U.S. embassies. This extended processing times and increased scrutiny of applications. Additionally, visa reciprocity agreements were reviewed and adjusted, impacting validity periods and costs for certain countries. For instance, Iranian citizens were deemed ineligible for the E-2 Visa due to the termination of the treaty. These adjustments significantly affected investors from impacted nations, increasing their costs and renewal frequency. Despite these policy shifts, the approval rate for E-2 visas remained relatively stable. According to data from the U.S. Department of State, there were over 43,000 approvals in 2019, reflecting the program’s continued viability. Even in 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic caused global disruptions, approval numbers remained significant. These figures highlight that while the process became more rigorous, well-prepared investors continued to secure visas by demonstrating strong business plans, substantial investments, and clear economic contributions. What to Expect Moving Forward As the new Trump administration takes shape, further immigration policy changes are likely. While it is too soon to predict the exact impact on the E-2 Visa, past trends suggest increased scrutiny. However, the program itself has remained intact across multiple administrations, reinforcing its reliability for foreign entrepreneurs. Those considering this visa should stay informed and ensure their applications meet evolving requirements. A well-prepared investment strategy, clear documentation, and a defined job creation plan can make a significant difference in navigating any potential policy shifts. Why the E-2 Visa Remains a Strong Choice The E-2 Visa continues to be a resilient and valuable option for foreign entrepreneurs. Even during periods of policy change, approval rates have remained strong for investors with well-structured applications. The ability to renew indefinitely, combined with its flexibility in investment size and business type, makes it one of the most attractive pathways for international investors. With the right preparation, investors can confidently pursue the E-2 Visa, knowing that history has shown its stability even amid shifting political landscapes. By staying ahead of policy changes and ensuring a solid business strategy, entrepreneurs can take advantage of the opportunities the U.S. market has to offer. If you are ready to take the next step toward launching your business in the U.S., you can contact our office for expert guidance and personalized assistance with your application.
By Kris Quadros-Ragar February 6, 2025
On January 29, 2025, President Trump signed the Laken Riley Act into law, significantly altering how immigration policies are enforced in the United States. This legislation grants State attorneys general and other authorized officials unprecedented authority to interpret and implement federal immigration policies. It also empowers them to take legal action against the federal government if they believe federal immigration enforcement negatively impacts their state. With this new authority, states now play a direct role in shaping immigration outcomes—a responsibility traditionally held by the federal government. One of the most immediate effects of the Laken Riley Act is that it allows states to seek injunctive relief to block the issuance of visas to nationals of countries that refuse or unreasonably delay the acceptance of their citizens who have been ordered removed from the United States . This means that if a country does not cooperate with U.S. deportation efforts, its nationals—regardless of their legal status—could face significant difficulties obtaining or renewing visas. As a result, foreign nationals from these countries may encounter increased uncertainty when traveling internationally or securing work authorization in the U.S. Beyond visa processing, the law introduces a new level of unpredictability into the immigration system. By allowing state attorneys general to intervene in federal procedures, and immigration policies that may now vary based on state-level decisions. In the coming months, it remains to be seen how individual states will wield this power—whether they will actively seek to block visa issuance or push for broader immigration enforcement measures. For foreign nationals and employers, staying informed about which countries are deemed “uncooperative” is now more important than ever. Those needing visa renewals or planning international travel should prepare for potential delays and seek professional guidance to navigate these uncertainties. The Laken Riley Act also mandates federal immigration authorities to detain and deport individuals without legal status who are charged with certain offenses, including minor theft or shoplifting, assaulting a law enforcement officer, and crimes resulting in death or serious bodily injury. This provision underscores a stricter approach to immigration enforcement, affecting individuals accused of both minor and serious offenses. With immigration policies now subject to a new layer of state involvement, it is more important than ever to stay informed and prepared for potential challenges. If you have concerns about how the Laken Riley Act may affect your immigration status or business, contact Santos Lloyd Law Firm for strategic counsel tailored to your needs.
By Angelica Rice January 31, 2025
On January 28, 2025, Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem vacated the January 10, 2025, decision by former Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas that had extended the 2023 designation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Venezuela and ordered that his January 17, 2025, notice re-designating Venezuela TPS be vacated. This action has understandably caused confusion and concern among Venezuelan TPS beneficiaries and those with pending applications. It is critical to clarify that this does not mean that the TPS program for Venezuela has been eliminated . Instead, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) must now reconsider whether to re-designate (extend) or terminate the previous Venezuela TPS designations from 2021 and 2023. What Does the Vacatur Mean? Because the January 17, 2025, TPS extension was vacated, the most recent valid TPS designation for Venezuela remains the October 3, 2023, designation . The vacatur does not immediately affect TPS protections for individuals covered under the prior designations. However, DHS must make key decisions in the coming months: By February 1, 2025 , DHS must decide whether to extend or terminate the October 3, 2023, designation . By July 12, 2025 , DHS must decide whether to extend or terminate the March 9, 2021, designation . If the Secretary does not make a timely determination (for example, if the Secretary were not to make determination by February 1, 2025 whether to extend or terminate the 2023 Venezuela TPS designation), then the statute provides for an automatic extension of the designation for an additional period of 6 months . INA 244(b)(3)(C), 8 U.S.C. 1254a(b)(3)(C). Until these decisions are made, TPS remains in effect under the previous designations , and those who have already been granted TPS are not immediately impacted. Who Is Affected and What Should You Do? Current TPS Holders If you were already granted TPS under the March 9, 2021, or October 3, 2023, designations, your status remains valid. You must continue to comply with all re-registration requirements to maintain your protection and work authorization. Re-registration period: TPS beneficiaries under the 2021 and 2023 designations must re-register between January 17, 2025, and September 10, 2025 , to maintain their legal status and work authorization. Individuals with Pending TPS Applications as of January 17, 2025 If you applied for TPS before January 17, 2025 , under a previous designation, your application will continue to be processed . If your application is approved, your TPS protection will remain valid at least until April 2, 2025 . There is no need to reapply. Individuals Who Applied for TPS Between January 10, 2025, and January 28, 2025 If you applied for TPS during this period, USCIS will cease processing your applications and issue refunds of any fees paid in association with those applications . Additionally, USCIS will invalidate EADs; Forms 1-797, Notice of Action (Approval Notice); and Forms 1-94, Arrival/Departure Record (collectively known as TPS-related documentation) that have been issued with October 2, 2026 expiration dates under the January 17, 2025 Mayorkas Notice. What Happens Next? Given the Biden administration’s prior support for TPS, many expect DHS to extend or re-designate Venezuela for TPS rather than terminate it . However, no final decision has been made , and Venezuelan nationals with TPS or pending applications should continue to follow updates closely. What Should You Do Now? If you currently hold TPS , continue to comply with all TPS renewal requirements and remain aware of DHS’s upcoming decisions. If you have a pending application , check USCIS updates regularly and consult with an immigration attorney for the latest guidance.  If you applied between January 17, 2025, and January 28, 2025 , seek legal counsel to understand how the vacatur may affect your application. Stay Informed and Get Legal Guidance Our immigration firm is closely following these developments and will provide updates as soon as DHS makes its decision. If you have questions about your TPS status or how this memo affects your case, contact our office today for a consultation. For more information, refer to the official DHS notice on the vacatur: Vacatur of 2025 Temporary Protected Status Decision for Venezuela .
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