I-601 and I-601A waivers

Certain immigrant visa applicants who are relatives of U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents may use this application to request a provisional waiver of the unlawful presence grounds of inadmissibility under Immigration and Nationality, before departing the United States to appear at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate for an immigrant visa interview.

Qualification for a I-601A Waiver


To be eligible for a provisional unlawful presence waiver, you must meet ALL of the following conditions:

Be physically present in the United States to file your application and provide biometrics;

Be 17 years of age or older;

Be in the process of obtaining your immigrant visa and have an immigrant visa case pending with Department of State (DOS) because you:

  • Are the principal beneficiary of an approved Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative; an approved Form I-140, Petition for Alien Worker; or an approved Form I-360, Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant who has paid the immigrant visa processing fee;

  • Have been selected by DOS to participate in the Diversity Visa (DV) Program (that is, you are a DV Program selectee);

  • Are the spouse or child of a principal beneficiary of an approved immigrant visa petition who has paid the immigrant visa processing fee to DOS; or

  • Are the spouse or child of a DV Program selectee (that is, you are a DV Program derivative)

Be able to demonstrate that refusal of your admission to the United States will cause extreme hardship to your U.S. citizen or Legal Permanent Resident spouse or parent;

Believe you are or will be inadmissible only because of a period of unlawful presence in the United States that was:

  • More than 180 days, but less than 1 year, during a single stay; or
  • 1 year or more during a single stay.

Meet all other requirements for the provisional unlawful presence waiver, and the Form I-601A and its instructions.


Source: uscis.gov

Our immigration attorneys have extensive experience in immigration law and can guarantee you competent and effective legal representation. Schedule an appointment online (in person or phone call consultations) to learn more about how you can waive you request and/or withdraw your application in the United States.


For any further questions you can contact our office by scheduling an appointment with us.

Blog Posts

By Juliana LaMendola March 20, 2025
Todas las personas que viven en los Estados Unidos, independientemente de su estatus migratorio, tienen ciertos derechos constitucionales. Si los agentes del Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE por sus siglas en inglés) acuden a su lugar de trabajo, deben tener (1) una orden de registro válida o (2) el consentimiento de su empleador para entrar en zonas no públicas. Las áreas no públicas podrían incluir: salas de descanso del personal, salas de servidores, salas mecánicas, oficinas del departamento de RRHH, salas de reuniones privadas, etc. Sin embargo, el ICE puede entrar en las zonas públicas de su lugar de trabajo (vestíbulo, zona de recepción, aparcamiento, etc.) sin una orden judicial o el consentimiento de su empleador.
By Juliana LaMendola March 20, 2025
Todas as pessoas que vivem nos Estados Unidos, independentemente do status imigratório, possuem certos direitos constitucionais nos EUA. Se agentes do Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) forem ao seu local de trabalho, eles devem ter (1) um mandado de busca válido ou (2) o consentimento do seu empregador para entrar em áreas não públicas. Áreas não públicas podem incluir: salas de descanso para funcionários, salas de servidores, salas de manutenção, escritórios do departamento de RH, salas de reuniões privadas, etc. No entanto, o ICE pode entrar em áreas públicas do seu local de trabalho (como o saguão, a recepção, o estacionamento, etc.) sem um mandado ou consentimento do seu empregador.
By Juliana LaMendola March 20, 2025
Toutes les personnes vivant aux États-Unis, quel que soit leur statut d'immigration, jouissent de certains droits constitutionnels américains. Si des agents des services de l'immigration et des douanes (ICE) se rendent sur votre lieu de travail, ils doivent disposer soit (1) d'un mandat de perquisition valide, soit (2) du consentement de votre employeur pour pénétrer dans les zones non publiques. Les zones non publiques peuvent comprendre les salles de pause du personnel, les salles de serveurs, les locaux techniques, les bureaux du département des ressources humaines, les salles de réunion privées, etc. Toutefois, l'ICE peut pénétrer dans les zones publiques de votre lieu de travail (hall d'entrée, zone de réception, parking, etc.) sans mandat ni consentement de votre employeur.
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